Venue & Hours

Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island
1300 S Linn White Dr
Chicago, IL 60605
For a map, check out the Travel page.

June 7 + 8, 2025

Event Hours: 1PM – 10PM

Box Office / Will Call Hours:


The festival will take place rain or shine. Please keep up-to-date on weather reports and plan your attire and preparations accordingly.

Zero Tolerance

We have a zero-tolerance policy for drug use and possession. Police officers will be working inside and outside of the event, and all narcotics laws will be strictly enforced. Be responsible, and make smart choices.

Security & Entry

By purchasing a ticket, you agree to submit to a thorough, TSA-style search, including emptying your pockets and bags, having all of your items examined, a full pat-down, and possibly removing your shoes. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone.

Clear Bag Policy

To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, all guests must adhere to the following clear bag policy:

All bags will be searched upon entry.

All clear bags are permitted. Small clutch bags, can be clear or non-clear, as long as they do not exceed 6” x 9”. Hydration packs, both clear and non-clear, are also permitted. Hydration packs should have no more than two main compartments and one smaller compartment, and they must be empty upon entry.

Ages & ID

You must be 18+ to enter and 21+ for alcohol/VIP. Photo ID required.


  • Any US government-issued driver’s license or ID card containing a photograph and date of birth
  • US or foreign government-issued passport containing a photograph and date of birth
  • Foreign government-issued driver’s license/ID with color photocopy of passport (Not valid for 21+ wristband. To purchase alcohol or enter VIP areas, a physical passport or US ID will be required.)
  • Temporary DMV documents proving you are currently renewing a license—ONLY if accompanied by passport or expired license


  • NO School ID
  • NO Consular ID
  • NO Birth certificate
  • NO Expired ID of any kind
  • NO Photocopy of any ID (except as noted)
  • NO Temporary DMV license without passport or expired license

Festival Policies

  • NO Re-entry/ins & outs per day
  • NO Camping
  • NO Refunds or exchanges
  • NO Sitting on designated dancefloor areas
  • NO Moshing, crowd-surfing or stage-diving
  • NO Unauthorized/unlicensed vendors
  • NO Unauthorized solicitations, handbills, sampling, giveaways, etc.

Acceptable Items

  • Cell phones
  • Cell phone chargers/portable phone chargers
  • Disposable lighters
  • Empty water bottles (No glass or metal)
  • Factory-sealed E-cig pod/cartridges (i.e., Blu, Juul, etc.)
  • Hand sanitizer and/or wipes (open/unsealed ok)
  • LED flow toys made of a soft plastic (no metal, aluminum, hard plastic) that do not interfere with others around you enjoying the festival
  • Non-professional cameras
  • Non Aerosol Sunscreen (contents to be checked at entry)
  • Prescribed medication (in the container with matching ID to be checked at entry and only containing the number of doses needed for duration of event as prescribed on the pill container.)
  • Sealed packs of gum
  • Sealed chapstick/lipstick/eyedrops/makeup
  • Clear bags of any size
  • Small Clutch Bags: Non-clear and clear, up to 6” x 9”, with or without straps.
  • Hydration Packs: Non-clear and clear, up to two main compartments and one small compartment, must be empty upon entry.

Prohibited Items

  • Air horns or megaphones
  • Audio recording devices
  • Bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards, scooters
  • Blankets
  • Chains/chain wallets
  • Chairs of any kind
  • Cleated shoes
  • Coolers of any kind, including hard-sided and soft-sided coolers
  • Costumes that resemble public safety uniforms (police, SWAT, fire, security, or medical) in any way
  • Drones
  • Drugs/drug paraphernalia
  • Fireworks
  • Flags with political/ideological statements
  • Full-face covering masks (think: Halloween)
  • Glass bottles or metal containers of any kind, including metal cans and reusable metal/glass water bottles
  • Helmets
  • Kites or Sky Lanterns
  • Large purses, bags or backpacks (over 12″×12″)
  • Large totems (max height: 4 feet)
  • Laser pointers
  • Musical Instruments
  • Outside food + drink (outside food allowed for those who have a documented need. Must have Dr.’s note that matches ID)
  • Pets (service animals ok)
  • Professional photo/video cameras
  • Selfie sticks
  • Sharpies / Markers / Spray Cans
  • Soccer balls, footballs, frisbees, or other sports equipment
  • Stickers / flyers / promotional materials
  • Tarps or tents
  • Umbrellas (parasols ok)
  • Weapon or weapon accessories of any kind, real or fictional (including whips, lightsabers, pocket knives, pepper spray, fireworks, fake weapons/props, etc.)
  • Any other items deemed questionable by security

Heavily Encouraged

  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen
  • Earplugs
  • Good vibes
  • Reusable water bottles (no glass/metal)

Heavily Discouraged

  • Any clothing, costumes or apparel that depict culturally sensitive or are culturally appropriative.
  • Fans are great to keep yourself cool, but please be respectful to your neighbors

Lost & Found

After the festival is over, all phones, wallets, IDs, passports, credit cards, prescription glasses, and tech items (such as cameras or portable chargers) will be held at an off-site location. In-person inquiries at Insomniac HQ or Liff Happens will not be accepted under any circumstances.

Hours of Operation
Interior Lost & Found
On Entrance Road
Saturday | 2 PM – 11 PM
Sunday | 2 PM – 11 PM

Exterior Lost & Found
At Box Office (View Inventory Only)
Sunday | 2 PM – 8 PM

Pre-register below to be notified if one of your lost items is found & receive a Beyond Chicago phone screensaver!